Writing articles online gained popularity during the last years. There are several possibilities to make money writing online and requires efficient searching which writing sites may be useful for you and the expectations you have to build up a writing portfolio. Is your goal a full time income or do you want an extra to pay some bills? Making money online can be easy but requires time and a learning process. Here are some suggestions which may help you to make some money with writing online articles: 1. WRITING SITES There are several writing sites which give you the opportunity to make money with writing articles. Some of these give you the possibility to write about any topic you like but there are also sites which ask to review products, websites and some others. Some of these sites will pay for upfront payment, page views or they share in the advertising money. Here are some sites which maybe useful for you to make some money online: * HELIUM Helium is a website where you can publish articles of almost anything. There are channels of almost every category you can imagine. There are a lot of different topics available to write about and you can create a new topic if you want to write about a non existing topic. The purpose is to reach a good ranking which will benefit you to get more traffic to your articles. The money you earn depends from several factors but in general a higher ranking of your article will give you more money. Some channels pay more for every topic, for example technology, finance, business and some others. This site gives you also the opportunity to participate in contests and there are marketplace opportunities for freelance writers. Associated content is a site where you can publish articles of any topic you like. American writers can write for upfront payment but approval is necessary to receive these payments. It is always allowed to publish articles and get paid for your page views. This site will pay you for every review you publish. It is not allowed to publish your articles at any other sites. The review rate varies but mostly between $1.50 and $2.00 for certain reviews; in other case they will pay the bulk rate which will vary between $0.30 and $0.40 Constant Content is a site where you can upload some articles which publishers or webmasters may want to purchase. You can set a price and you can decide about the license options. Professionalwriters can make some good money in this site. * HUBPAGES HubPages is a site where you can write about any topic you like and you can add some pictures or videos. You need a Google Adsense account to make money and they will pay you 50% of the money they generated when readers of these articles clicked the ads. 2. PROMOTING YOUR ARTICLES Your articles will not make immediately much money but there are several ways to get more traffic to your articles. It is important that you write quality articles without grammar and spelling mistakes. Keywords are important and it is useful to use the keywords of the title of your topic in your first paragraph and also in the middle and the end of your article. Social Bookmarking sites, for example Digg, Dropjack,, StumbleUpon are useful to promote your articles. If you have written an article which may interest other people, you can submit these articles in these bookmarking sites. If members of these sites like your articles, they will likely vote them and your articles have more chance to appear in search engines. Social Networking sites, for example MySpace, Facebook and many others are also excellent sites to promote your articles. If you have an account in these sites, you can upload your articles in these sites and everyone who will find your profile can read your articles. It is helpful to send requests to many people and build up a network with friends. You can alert them every time you have submitted a new article and may help you to get traffic to your articles. 3. BLOGGING Writers can also earn money with blogging. Blogging gained the last years popularity and many writers started a blog for various reasons. A blog is a weblog and some writers have one to promote their business but many people write a blog to share some experiences, some thoughts or to help other people. There are several ways to make money with a blog and promoting is important to get traffic to your blog. There are several marketing possibilities for your blog, for example advertising sites like Google Adsense, Bidvertiser and some others, submitting your blog to "Pay per post" sites or through selling text links. There are several ways to make money writing online articles. Some writers may prefer writing sites like Helium or Associated Content; others prefer review sites or make more money with blogging. Joining several sites will give you the possibility to make money with writing online. It is really hard working but you will notice that after some time your earnings will increase and you will be pleased to build up an online writing portfolio.
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